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At Bishop Challoner Sixth Form, we offer 14 A-Level subjects and 3 vocational subjects, promoting a culture where students broaden their knowledge and interests through independent study and personalised guidance.

“Pupils are keen to learn and pay attention in class. They do much independent study between their lessons. These positive attitudes help them succeed in their studies.” - Ofsted 2021

Students are expected to study at least three A-Levels or a vocational course. A-Level students attend five one-hour lessons per subject each week, while vocational students have 15 one-hour lessons per subject each week. Additionally, students are required to complete several hours of independent study each day, both at home and during designated study periods.

Subjects Available:

  • Fine Art
  • Biology
  • Business (BTEC and A Level)
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • BTEC Creative Digital Media Production
  • Economics
  • English Literature
  • French
  • Further Maths
  • Geography
  • BTEC Health & Social Care
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Media Studies
  • Physics
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Religious Education
  • Sociology
  • Spanish

For more information about our curriculum or specific subjects, please contact us via phone, email or send us a message via the online form. We are happy to assist with any enquiries.



A Level Biology

If you are interested in recent developments in genetic engineering or disease prevention, finding out how cells – “little bags of water with things dissolved in them” – carry out so many different processes in a seemingly effortless fashion, tracking down natural resources, the true impacts of pollution on the natural world, or animal care and conservation programmes, to name a few, then this is your subject.

The study of life itself, A level Biology explores the theories and principles involved in living systems, in all their intricate beauty.  Topics you will learn about include: lifestyle, transport, genes and health, development, plants and the environment, the natural environment and species survival, energy, exercise and co-ordination, as well as practical biology and research skills.  By the end of the course you will know about the principles of genetics, molecules, taxonomy, natural selection, evolutionary theory, global warming, bacteria and viruses, and more.


A Level Business

A ‘Level Business Studies is designed to assess achievement of the knowledge, skills and understanding that students need to progress to university or a higher education establishment, particularly (although not only) in the same subject area, for example business management, business administration, accountancy and finance, human resource management, marketing, retail management, etc.

The following themes will be covered over 2 years:

Theme 1: Marketing and people, Theme 2: Managing business, Theme 3: Business decisions and strategy, Theme 4: Global business.


BTEC Business

A ‘Level Business Studies is designed to assess achievement of the knowledge, skills and understanding that students need to progress to university or a higher education establishment, particularly (although not only) in the same subject area, for example business management, business administration, accountancy and finance, human resource management, marketing, retail management, etc.

The following themes will be covered over 2 years:

Theme 1: Marketing and people, Theme 2: Managing business, Theme 3: Business decisions and strategy, Theme 4: Global business.

A Level Chemistry

A Level Chemistry allows you to develop your understanding of chemistry by delving deeper into the subject than at GCSE. Through your studies you’ll form independent theories and areas of interest which you could take further at university and beyond.

'A' level Chemistry is involved with making different substances, finding out their properties and how they react with one another, looking for patterns of behaviour and interpreting these in terms of atoms, molecules and their electronic structures. This understanding is coupled with practical sessions in.

If this interests you, then this is why you should study A level Chemistry.

A Level Computer Science

Computer Science gives students a real, in depth understanding of how computer technology works. It offers an insight into what goes on ‘behind the scenes’, including computer programming, which many students find captivating. Throughout the key stages students develop critical thinking, analysis and problem-solving skills, which can be transferred to further learning and to everyday life. Students who want to go on to higher study and employment in the field of computer science will find it provides an excellent stepping stone.

The A Level Computer Science course consists of three components. The first component assesses the students’ ability to program using an on-screen exam. It draws upon their theoretical knowledge of computer science which include; Fundamentals of Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms as well as the Theory of Computation. They are also required to write, adapt and extend programs provided by the exam board.

The second component tests students’ knowledge about the Fundamentals of Data Representation, Computer Systems, Computer Organisation and Architecture, Communication and Networking, Databases and Functional Programming. Ethical topics include a study into The Consequences of uses of computing and Big Data.

The final component - a non-exam assessment – tests students’ ability to use the knowledge and skills gained through the course to solve or investigate a practical problem by following a systematic approach.

Its study supports literacy and numeracy development whilst encouraging computational thinking. The rapid growth in the computing technology sector has a seen in increase in the proportion of our students studying the subject beyond GCSE and A level, particularly in a degree in Computer Games Design and Software Engineering.

Students are examined and accredited by AQA

A Level English Literature

The study of English Literature at A Level helps you to develop a number of subject-specific as well as transferable skills by encouraging in-depth, critical and contextual thinking in response to a range of literary works. A Level English Literature is the gateway to culture both past and present. It brings history to life and enriches us with an insight into experiences that could be drowned out by the broader context of events. Through studying literary classics, poetry and modern works, you will understand the evolution of both language and society. A Level English Literature teaches you to analyse different types of writing and to write clearly in a range of styles. It also pushes you to read outside your comfort zone, while expanding your language skills and range of vocabulary. Through A Level English Literature, you are encouraged to explore the deeper meanings behind the written form.

A Level Geography

Why choose A Level Geography?

Geography is a living, breathing subject, constantly adapting itself to change. It is dynamic and relevant. For me geography is a great adventure with a purpose.” Michael Palin (Former RGS-IBG President)

Geography is the study of Earth’s landscapes, peoples, places and environments. It is, quite simply, about the world in which we live.

Geography is unique in bridging the social sciences (human geography) with the natural sciences (physical geography). Human geography concerns the understanding of the dynamics of cultures, societies and economies, and physical geography concerns the understanding of the dynamics of physical landscapes and the environment.

Geography puts this understanding of social and physical processes within the context of places and regions - recognising the great differences in cultures, political systems, economies, landscapes and environments across the world, and the links between them. Understanding the causes of differences and inequalities between places and social groups underlie much of the newer developments in human geography.

Geography is, in the broadest sense, an education for life and for living.

BTEC Health and Social Care

Health and social care is the treatment of ill health and medical conditions in hospitals, health centres and in the community. Social care is the care and support of vulnerable people, usually in the community. BTEC Health & Social Care Level 3 is a high-quality, career-focused qualification grounded in the real world of work. This means that learners develop and apply the knowledge, skills, and behaviours that employers and universities are looking for.
Health and Social Care is a popular subject at Bishop Challoner with many students going on to study at Russell Group Universities across the country. If you are interested in caring and supporting those in need then this subject is for you, as it’s all about helping others. Whether you are interested in becoming a Social Worker, Nurse practitioner, Paramedic or Psychologist there is one thing all these different careers have in common – they all provide a service!
This course will prepare you for your future development giving you the knowledge and insight needed to complete this course effectively readying you for the world of work.

A Level History

A-level History at Bishop Challoner offers pupils a fantastic opportunity to learn more about how the world around them was made. It looks at a wide variety of different topic areas including more locally with the Tudors unit, and internationally with the Cold war and Middle Eastern units. History pupils learn key skills such as how to structure well thought out and supported arguments, using a wide range of evidence; as well as how to quickly take in large amounts of information and convert that into small, and understandable, chunks. The key skills learnt studying A-level history are widely applicable and will show any top university or employer that the pupil is high achieving and highly motivated.

A Level Mathematics

The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics” Galileo Galilei

You should choose A Level Maths if

  • you are passionate about it
  • you like to be challenged
  • you are willing to discover the “Why?” and “How?” behind real-life situations
  • you like discussing about different methods and approaches to solve problems

Mathematics is a “facilitating” subject.  This means that it among a list of A-level subjects which are asked for most frequently by universities.

This means that if you study a group of facilitating subjects, then you will still have a large number of degree options open to you.  Facilitating subjects are also highly respected and will give you the best chances of being accepted onto many degree programmes. Therefore, if you don’t have any idea about degree choice it could be best to start by considering what are known as the facilitating subjects.

Degree choices where A-level Mathematics is an essential requirement of nearly all universities

  • Actuarial Science
  • Aeronautical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Economics
  • Electrical/Electronic Engineering
  • Engineering (General)
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics
  • Statistics

Degree Choices where A-level Mathematics is an essential requirement by some, but not all universities

  • Accountancy
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science

BTEC Media

Why choose BTEC Media? 


“The media is the most powerful entity on Earth. They have  the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. They control the minds  of the masses” – Malcolm X


This course offers students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through ‘doing’. Students can bring their own interests and ideas into the work they do. This course allows them to learn broadly about different audiences and types of media including magazines, film, advertising and photography.

Every day you are exposed to newspaper headlines, film trailers, advertising on billboards, and constant updates on your social media accounts. What could be more important than thinking critically about the messages you are receiving? How is your life impacted by the media you consume? How does the mainstream media manipulate the masses to maintain the status quo? What are the consequences? What are the alternatives? What might the future hold?

We offer the Digital Creative Media Production Extended Diploma which is the equivalent of 3 A-levels. This course is also two years in length and consists of 13 units of work, 4 of which are externally assessed. Units studied include: short fictional film production; digital photography and image manipulation techniques; page layout and design for magazines and film posters; and advertising. Within these units you will learn about the way products are constructed, will plan and prepare your own productions, and present your final production pieces. This is a great course for those who want to develop their media skills and begin developing their own ideas and build a portfolio of work.  Please visit our Weebly site where you will find the most up to date student handbook with a detailed breakdown of the course units, as well as links to our student blogs where you will find all their coursework.

A Level Physics

Studying A Level Physics will develop your reasoning, problem-solving and analytical skills to the next level. This will position you ideally for university level study or the workplace.

A Level Physics will give you incredibly strong analytical and research skills. You will be able to come at problems and solve them in a methodical and logical way.

Physicists look for all the hidden laws that explain why all matter (that’s every physical thing) and energy in the known universe exists, where it comes from and how it behaves the way it does.

So if you’re wondering how forces of nature, like gravity, work or how aircraft stay up in the air, this is the subject for you.

A Level Politics

Politics is all about how society manages differing opinions. It’s as much about compromise and concession as it is about strength of conviction. It impacts at every level of daily life, irrespective of your chosen career path or skill base. If you believe keeping up to date with the latest political and social news is a fundamental part of your day, if you enjoy discussion and accept that there are no right or wrong answers, then Politics is the subject for you.

In the first year students visit Parliament and take part in an election workshop to extend knowledge and understanding further. Students that study politics tend to go into a wide range of degree courses including; Politics and International Relations, Law, Marketing and History. Other A-Levels that complement Politics include; History, Sociology, Economics and Philosophy.

A Level Psychology

Psychology is a fascinating subject that examines the human mind and human behaviour. It helps to explain how we think and feel individually and in different social groups. Psychology is a broad subject that covers a range of interesting topics including sleep, relationships and schizophrenia. Psychology students find this subject particularly rewarding as they can apply the material they learn in class to themselves and others around them. Successful psychology students typically pursue careers in counselling, education and mental health.

A Level Religious Education (Philosophy and Theology)

Fascinating and enlightening, Philosophy & Theology is an excellent subject choice. Not only will you develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of Christianity, Philosophy and Ethics but you will also gain many valuable transferable skills along the way such as essay writing, developing confidence in debating, to developing the ability to appreciate other viewpoints. The A level syllabus combines the in-depth study of the Philosophy of Religion and Ethics with the study of Christianity and the development of thought within it.

A Level Sociology

Sociology is the study of human social relationships and social institutions. Its purpose is to understand how human action and consciousness both shape and are shaped by surrounding cultural and social structures. Sociology is an exciting and illuminating subject that covers a range of topics such as crime, education, religion and families. It also examines the best methods to gather and analyse evidence about the social world covering a range of methods such as interviews, questionnaire and experiments. Sociology is an important subject for those interested in careers related to law, education, government policy and the third sector.