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As a Catholic school, the foundation of PSHE is based on our motto, “Christ at the Centre”. We believe as a School community, that Christ is at the centre of our lives and all that we do. According to John 10:10, Jesus said, I have come so you might have life”. It is our hope that through PSHE we can develop the qualities and attributes needed to bring about the life that Jesus promised to all our students. 

Within our school we provide PSHE education to Key Stages 3 and 4, through a spiral programme that gradually expands and enriches key concepts, increases knowledge, deepens understanding, and develops key skills through a thematic approach. Our planned programme is designed to help them adequately navigate and address the many difficult moral, social and health-related issues that arise in their lives and in the society they live in. It is our intention that PSHE will support the development we of the young men and women in our school, enabling them to live confident healthy, independent lives as individuals within society. In addition to this, the PSHE programme promotes fundamental British Values, which are taught implicitly in lessons and throughout all key stages. 

The key 3 areas covered throughout the PSHE programme are: 

  1. Health and Wellbeing – Loving ourselves
    Ephesians 2:10; ‘For we are his workmanship’ 
  2. Relationships – Loving others
    John 13:34; ‘Love one another’ 
  3. Living in the Wider World – Loving the world
    Genesis 2:15; ‘Take care of it’

The delivery of the lessons is aimed to be interactive, dynamic, practical, and easily adaptable to different learning styles. Pupils are encouraged to be expressive with their throughs and be engaged with their learning. 

Personal, Social and Health education (PSHE) stands alongside Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) as crucial parts of the modern curriculum; helping prepare our students to become responsible and informed young adults who will thrive and be able to face the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain. 

RSE is part of the mission of Catholic schools to educate the whole person. It should be carried out as part of the holistic education which seeks to form as well as inform young people in preparation for adult life. It is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about the understanding of the importance of marriage for family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. It is also about the teaching of sex, sexuality, and sexual health.   

We are proud to be leading the way, adopting the advice and guidance from the government regarding PSHE and also the new statutory introduction of RSE.  

The programme is carefully planned to explore age-appropriate subjects in a sensitive and timely manner. There are three main elements: 

  1. Attitudes and Values 
  2. Personal and Social Skills 
  3. Knowledge and Understanding 

For further information or if you have any questions or concerns, please email Head of PSHE Ms L Griffiths at